BB-Glow treatment
BB-Glow treatment
The BB-Glow training is a training that train specialists in the application of the BB-Glow treatment. BB-Glow is a special facial treatment in which a brightening and moisturizing serum with color pigments is incorporated into the skin to achieve a light foundation effect.
During the training, the participants learn the different steps of the BB-Glow treatment and practice the safe use of the technique. The training also includes instructions for skin preparation, post-treatment and care after the BB-Glow application as well as for hygiene and disinfection of the instruments.
This training is primarily aimed at beauticians who want to be able to offer the BB-Glow treatment in their beauty salon or practice. It is important that the professionals are well trained to ensure the effectiveness and safety of this special facial treatment.
Online training BB-Glow includes practical video and theory.